Friday, November 8, 2019

Research Essay Example

Research Essay Example Research Essay Research Essay We want to thank Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies for giving us permission to commence this research in the first instance, to do the accessory research work and to use institute library. Furthermore, we thank our respondents who contributed their valuable information without which this research would never have been successful. We are deeply indebted to our teacher and mentor Proof. Ash Engender without whose help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement, we would never have been able to complete our research and the writing of this paper. Lastly, we would like to give our special thanks to our friends and supporters whose patient co-operation enabled us to complete this work. Sir. NO. Chapter Page no. Introduction 7 2. Review of literature 8 3. Methodology 9 4. Results and Analysis 10-18 5. Summary 19-20 6. Conclusions 21 7. Bibliography 8. Appendix 23-26 LIST OF TABLES Particular Page No. Table 1: Demographic profile of the respondents Table 2: Indicators for identification of a pirated product Table 3: Frequency of purchasing pirated products Table 4: Durability of pirated products Table 5: Criterion rating for purchasing pirated products Table 6: Mode of purchasing pirated products Tablet: Category of pirated products purchased Table 8: Comparison of pirated products with authentic products in terms of durability 9. Table 9: Impact of advancement of technology on the demand for pirated products 10. Table 10: Criterion ratings for not purchasing pirated products 11. Table 1 1: Impact of age on the buying behavior for pirated products 12. Table 12: Implications of using pirated products on the respective industry 13. Table 13: Identification of risks for unfair or deceptive acts in its product lines Table 14: Role of compliance function in identifying and mitigating overall compliance risks of the products in case of pirated products 15. Table 1 5: Need for a mechanism setup to help detect potentially unfair or deceptive raciest LIST OF FIGURES Sir . NO Figure Name Figure 1: Criterion for purchasing pirated products Figure 2: Category of pirated product purchased Figure 3: Criterion for not purchasing pirated products Figure 4: Impact of age on the buying behavior for pirated products ABSTRACT Non-deceptive pirated products have taken over a large share of the market and hence have become a major cause of concern in recent times. A study was conducted to find out the number of people who partake in non-deceptive piracy and the reasons behind their usage. The study was done based on data collected from 100 exponents from the city of Pun who were mostly students, working professionals and housewives aged 18 years to 50 years. The questionnaire sought their responses regarding the buying behavior of customers towards pirated products and the factors influencing buying decisions. It was found that 72 percent of the respondents and 65 percent agreed that after a certain age people prefer not to buy pirated products, specially clothes, shoes and accessories. This study benefits the manufacturers of authentic products to understand the mind-set of the consumers to decide their target market. Keywords: Non-Deceptive Pirated Products, Buying Behavior, Price Factor, Age Factor Chapter 1 Non-deceptive pirated products are reproductions of trademarked brands which are closely identical or similar to the genuine articles. This includes packaging, labeling and trademarks that facilitate the product to be passed off internationally as the original product. When customers are aware of the nature of the product and they still go and buy it, this is known as non-deceptive piracy. Non-deceptive piracy is used mainly to influence customers to buy the pirated products at a cheaper price and at a better rate than the market offers. Objectives . To find out the number of people who partake in non-deceptive piracy. 2. To find out the reasons behind the usage of non-deceptive pirated products. Limitations 1. Study limited to the city of Pun. 2. Non-disclosure of information which may mislead our statistics. Review of Literature In 2008, Seabird Raman, Seasonal Huge and Maybug Raman conducted a study on purchasing behaves of pirated products. The purpose of this study was to explore the factors influencing the Bangladesh consumers perception towards purchasing pirated products. To explore these factors, this study had conducted a survey among the Bangladesh consumers. The data analysis was conducted through exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses. Among the four variables, individual personalities and economic conditions are the most significant followed by social influences and pricing of pirated products. The outcome of this research showed a comprehensively integrated framework for policy maker and business enterprise to understand the dynamic relationships among dimensions of social influence, pricing, economy, and personality to understand the consumers perception toward purchasing pirated products. In 2010, Cook, Yum Fun conducted a study on the Buyers perceptions of pirated products in Malaysia. The purpose of this study was to investigate the buyers attitude and behavior with respect to pirated products in Malaysia, and to present findings potentially applicable for the purpose of planning and implementing effective marketing strategies to counteract the ever growing competitive threat facing multinational entrants to the Malaysia market. Respondents were classified as heavy and light buyers of pirated products based on the criteria derived from the focus group and survey findings. Buyers who were private sector employees were ore likely to be light buyers of other pirated products. The quota control was made on the ethnic groups percentages to represent the ethnic group perception on pirated products. However, convenience sampling limited the respondents locations, education level and occupation variety. The findings identified several crucial points as inputs to original brand marketers in planning and implementing marketing strategies. Research Methodology Selection of Topic The topic selected for this study is the Comparative study of the opinions or preferences of different age groups regarding non-deceptive pirated products. The primary source of information was from current and potential applicants obtained from a structured questionnaire. Sample technique and size The respondents in respect to current and potential applicants had been picked on the basis of random convenience sampling. The sample size of this study was 100 for current and potential applicants combined. These samples were selected from the city of Pun. Pilot study To test the feasibility of the data tool collection, a pilot study was conducted on 10 respondents. A questionnaire of 10 questions was made and filled by the respondents. The response received was collected and study was done to find out the initial findings. Hypothesis Based on the result of the pilot study, the following hypothesis was formulated:- 1 . Price is the key factor which influences people to buy pirated products. 2. Age has an impact on consumers preference to buy pirated products especially clothes, shoes and accessories. Data collection Primary data Actual collection of data from applicants was done by way of a Google doc in the form of an online questionnaire that was sent to the respondents which they then filled and their responses were recorded and the data was compiled. Secondary data Secondary data was not used for interpretation of data. Analysis of Data The data collected has been presented in the form of tables and figures in Chapter 4- Results.

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